Exercise has a beneficial cleansing effect on the body. When you exercise, your body naturally expels water vapor in your breath, sweat from your skin, and urine from your kidneys. You then become thirsty and take in more water which further aids in the natural flushing of your bodily systems. And as water is being flushed through the body, out comes excess chemicals compounds and impurities that may be present.
When I exercise at medium intensity over an hour or so, I typically take in about 48 ounces of water. This is the equivalent to 6 glasses of water, or 4 cans. (Side note: Since our society has become accustomed to drinking so many beverages out of 12 ounce cans, I find that people have a hard time visualizing a standard 8 ounce glass of water. Hence why I mention the cans.) By taking in so much water in such a short amount of time, my body gets a good flush, and I can certainly feel the positive effects.
So how can you be sure you are getting ample amounts of water while exercising? Simply drink until you are no longer thirsty, and then take another drink for good measure. Repeat this process multiple times during your workout.
And if I may offer a tip, always keep a good sized water bottle with you. Especially have it with you while you exercise, but I highly suggest you keep a water bottle with you all day long. If you have easy access to water, you are much more likely to drink it throughout the day, which decreases the temptation to grab a soda or other sugary drink.
Other cleansing functions of exercise include the sinuses and the lungs. When you exercise, the combination of jarring motions and deep breathing works to break up mucus in your sinuses and lungs. You may find yourself blowing your nose, coughing, and spitting stuff up during exercise, but this is your body's way of getting the gunk out of your airways.
Also, movement can help the digestion process. There is much documentation about the benefits of exercise and the digestive system. Without going into too much detail, the repetitive motion of exercise helps the gentle motion of digestion.
And have I mentioned the benefits of exercise on your vascular and lymphatic systems too? As your heart rate increases during exercise, good things happen throughout your circulatory system as things get moving faster than before. Some also report that the jarring motion of exercise has a flushing effect on the fluid in your lymphatic system. A properly functioning lymphatic system is essential to robust immunity.
In summary, humans are made to move. Movement makes us happy and keeps us healthy. Bodily cleansing is just one of the many benefits of daily exercise. Exercise does not have to be complicated, simply get moving in some form or fashion, and your body will take care of the rest.
P.S. Don't forget that water bottle!
When I exercise at medium intensity over an hour or so, I typically take in about 48 ounces of water. This is the equivalent to 6 glasses of water, or 4 cans. (Side note: Since our society has become accustomed to drinking so many beverages out of 12 ounce cans, I find that people have a hard time visualizing a standard 8 ounce glass of water. Hence why I mention the cans.) By taking in so much water in such a short amount of time, my body gets a good flush, and I can certainly feel the positive effects.
So how can you be sure you are getting ample amounts of water while exercising? Simply drink until you are no longer thirsty, and then take another drink for good measure. Repeat this process multiple times during your workout.
And if I may offer a tip, always keep a good sized water bottle with you. Especially have it with you while you exercise, but I highly suggest you keep a water bottle with you all day long. If you have easy access to water, you are much more likely to drink it throughout the day, which decreases the temptation to grab a soda or other sugary drink.
Other cleansing functions of exercise include the sinuses and the lungs. When you exercise, the combination of jarring motions and deep breathing works to break up mucus in your sinuses and lungs. You may find yourself blowing your nose, coughing, and spitting stuff up during exercise, but this is your body's way of getting the gunk out of your airways.
Also, movement can help the digestion process. There is much documentation about the benefits of exercise and the digestive system. Without going into too much detail, the repetitive motion of exercise helps the gentle motion of digestion.
And have I mentioned the benefits of exercise on your vascular and lymphatic systems too? As your heart rate increases during exercise, good things happen throughout your circulatory system as things get moving faster than before. Some also report that the jarring motion of exercise has a flushing effect on the fluid in your lymphatic system. A properly functioning lymphatic system is essential to robust immunity.
In summary, humans are made to move. Movement makes us happy and keeps us healthy. Bodily cleansing is just one of the many benefits of daily exercise. Exercise does not have to be complicated, simply get moving in some form or fashion, and your body will take care of the rest.
P.S. Don't forget that water bottle!