Learn to see and accept things for what they truly are. Focus on the facts. Take the emotion out of things.
A situation is what it is. If you want to more quickly overcome it in a positive manner, you first have to be objective. By objective, it is meant you must remove your feelings and opinions. You have to come to peace with the simple facts.
As you get better at this, you will start seeing possible solutions that you never did before. You will learn to be happy and centered no matter what the situation at hand. Your current situation is just one of billions of situations that occur in the world each day. The world will not stop turning just because it is a situation that momentarily affects you. Life will go on, someway, somehow.
Those who master objectivity come to view situations from afar, and in no way fear the situations or the facts. Such masters have an aura of peace around them. Others can often sense this peace and their calming presence.
1. Accept the facts and do not fear them
2. Detach emotionally to the greatest extent possible
3. Determine if it is in your best interest to take positive action, or just let it be
4. Do not let a situation overtake your life. Be happy no matter what. Choose your parallel reality (read more from my previous post on this subject by clicking the highlighted link).
A situation is what it is. If you want to more quickly overcome it in a positive manner, you first have to be objective. By objective, it is meant you must remove your feelings and opinions. You have to come to peace with the simple facts.
As you get better at this, you will start seeing possible solutions that you never did before. You will learn to be happy and centered no matter what the situation at hand. Your current situation is just one of billions of situations that occur in the world each day. The world will not stop turning just because it is a situation that momentarily affects you. Life will go on, someway, somehow.
Those who master objectivity come to view situations from afar, and in no way fear the situations or the facts. Such masters have an aura of peace around them. Others can often sense this peace and their calming presence.
1. Accept the facts and do not fear them
2. Detach emotionally to the greatest extent possible
3. Determine if it is in your best interest to take positive action, or just let it be
4. Do not let a situation overtake your life. Be happy no matter what. Choose your parallel reality (read more from my previous post on this subject by clicking the highlighted link).